Do you ever struggle in front of a camera or have moments of panic, discomfort, or anxiety in a virtual meeting?
Your brain shuts down..... You can’t find the words you need!
You forget you’re an expert at the very thing you’re an expert at, and you just don’t feel you’re coming across as the best version of yourself...!
If you want that EDGE, CONFIDENCE, and on-camera expertise that helps you build trust, rapport, and connection with your audience, WEB CAMERA CONFIDENCE is for you!
Web Camera Confidence is an interactive experience designed to give you on-camera strategies and tools to PROJECT COMPETENCE, CONFIDENCE, AND CREDIBILITY WITH EASE!
From Self-Conscious to Self-Confident!
What you will get in this course...
Introduction to the Course - Web Camera Confidence
Who is Nadia - Background and Experience
What you will learn in this Course
Rate Your On Camera Confidence - Poll
Confidence Builders
Summation of Chapter 1
Frequently Asked Questions
The time you spend on a module can vary. This learning is self-paced and designed to build on the previous concept. Plan to spend more time completing the assignments and post on the discussion board/platform for feedback and community responsiveness.
Once a student is in the Web Camera Confidence course site, they can access videos, discussion boards, assignments, and other materials.
The Discussion Board will be the hub for posts and connecting as a community. Learners and the Nadia Bilchik Academy communicate primarily through the course site and emails in online courses. Those learners who choose to obtain personal coaching will have access to scheduled, 1-on-1 meetings.
Some assignments are designed to give you specific feedback to apply to the next module. Anticipate receiving your personalized feedback in 7 business days.